Re: [Evolution-hackers] Libsoup encode problem

On Thu, 2004-07-29 at 10:25 +0800, Harry Lu wrote:
> id=b5q2o8ve2rk02nv9t6&calid=jsun&uid=333&dtstart=19990301T112233Z&rrules="count%3D10%3Bfreq%3Ddaily";"freq%3Dweekly%3Bcount%3D4"&dtend=19990301T112233&summary=uuuu
> When we use libsoup to send the URL, libsoup encodes the " in the
> rule, so the server cannot recognize this field correctly.  Yes, I
> admit the server is broken here. But do we have a way to not encode
> the URL?

No. You would need to hack up soup-uri.c.

-- Dan

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