Re: [Evolution-hackers] The Junk problem and IMAP

Hi Mike,

Sounds good, just a couple of comments.

-- Tim
On Wed, 2004-02-25 at 20:07, Not Zed wrote:
> Ok everyone, so how about this:
>  - we still have the global junk filter setting
>  - we add 2 new settings to each imap account, which will appear next to
> the 
> [ ]  "Apply filters to new messages in INBOX on this server"
> ->
> [ ]  "Do not check incoming message for Junk"
Just a personal preference but generally I think it's more intuitive
when checking a checkbox to enables rather than disables a function.

Couldn't we label the check box as "Check incoming messages for Junk"
and have it "checked" by default.

> [ ]  "Only check for Junk for new messages in INBOX"
Would this be checked by default? The cause of slowness when copying
messages may not be obvious, but junk mail in other folders would be. 

> (or whatever, this text is merely a descriptive example)
> And we just let it filter things twice when we copy if people want to
> filter all mailboxes (hey if its good enough for Mozilla its good enough
> for us).
> > Hi Michael,
> > 
> > seeing all these issues, I too think the per account setting will be
> > useful. We may keep global junk enable option + per account option to
> > disable junk filtering for that account, which should be insensitive in
> > case junk filtering is disabled globally. IMAP may have additional
> > option for INBOX/all folders filtering.
> > 
> > Anna, is that OK from UI view?
> > 
> > Cheers
> > Radek
> > 
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> evolution-hackers maillist  -  evolution-hackers lists ximian com
Tim Lee
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