[Evolution-hackers] revised keyboard navigation for Evolution Calendar

Hi all,

I made a new draft of the calendar keyboard navigation.
main changes is:
1. split the shortcut into four category: day vew, week view, task and generl
 2. Prefer to use Alt+non-letter for the actions of moving something.
Prefer to use Ctrl+Alt+letter for the actions of invoke other operatons than moving.

Please have a look and give comments.


Title: calendar keyboard navigation

Evolution Calendar Keyboard Naviagtion (draft)

Bolian Yin (bolian yin sun com)

MS Outlook Calendar
Evolution Calendar
day view

Navigation through event items Tab and (Shift + Tab) Tab and (Shift + Tab) No.

Stop editing current event return focus to day view

Navigation through time lines Arrow Keys Arrow Keys Yes

Change the duration of the selected block of time Shift + Arrow keys Shift + Arrow keys Yes
Change the duration to the time that begins/ends the current work day
Shift+Home/End No.

Change an appointment start or end time Alt + Shift + Up Arrow/Down Arrow, with the event is selected
Alt + Shift + Up Arrow/Down Arrow, with the event is selected No.

Go to today
Alt+v, g, d Ctrl+Home

Go to the same day in the previous/next week Alt + Left Arrow / Right Arrow Alt+ Left Arrow / Right Arrow

Go to the first/last day of the current week Alt + Home / End Alt + Home / End

Go to the first/last day of the current month Alt + PageUp / PageDown Alt + PageUp / PageDown No.

Select the time that begins/ends your work day Home/End Home/End No.

Move a selected event through time lines Alt + Arrow Keys, with the event  is selected Alt + Arrow Keys, with the event is selected No.

Open the editing dialog for current event
Ctrl + o with the event is selected
Ctrl+Alt+o with one event is selected No

week view

Navigation through event items Tab and (Shift + Tab) Tab and (Shift + Tab) No

Stop editing current eventreturn focus to week view Esc
Esc No.
Navigation through days
Arrow Keys
Arrow Keys

Move a selected event through time lines Alt + Arrow Keys, with the event  is selected Alt + Arrow Keys, with the event  is selected

Go to today
Alt+v, g, d

Go to the first/last day of the current week (Alt +) Home / End Home / End

Go to the first/last day of the current month Alt + PageUp / PageDown Alt + PageUp / PageDown No.

Open the editing dialog current event Ctrl + o with the event is selected Alt + o with the event is selected

task view

Navigation through task lines and the new task line
Arrow Keys
Arrow Keys

Navigation through task status checkboxes and task summay editable entries.

Check/Uncheck the focused task status checkbox
Space  Space
Open the editing dialog for current task Enter with the task line is selected, or
Enter with the task line is selected, or Ctrl+Alt+o

calendar general

Switch to month view  Alt + Equal Sign (=) / m  Ctrl+Alt +m  No
Switch to week view  Alt + Hypen Sign (-) / k  Ctrl+Alt +k  No
Switch to working week view  Alt + r  Ctrl+Alt+w  No
Switch to day view  Alt + y  Ctrl+Alt+d
View 1 through 10 days at a time in day/week/month view Alt + key for number of days Ctrl+Alt+key for number of days
 No Do we need this in evolution???
Create a new meeting request Ctrl + Shitf + q  Ctrl + Shitf + e  Yes change it to Ctrl+Alt+? style ???
Create a new Task reques Ctrl + Shitf + u/k  Ctrl + Shitf + t
Yes change it to Ctrl+Alt+? style ???
Create a new Appointment
Ctrl + Shitf + a  Ctrl + N (Appointment)
Ctrl + Shift + D (All day appointment)
  Yes change it to Ctrl+Alt+? style ???
Move between Calendar, TaskPad, and the Folder List when moving around calendar CTRL+TAB or F6 CTRL+TAB or F6  Partly works

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