Re: [Evolution-hackers] Multi-line boundary

> it's the same either way...

Not under bash - only one form worked for me.  From the man page:

Note  that  the order of redirections is significant.  For example, the
       ls > dirlist 2>&1
directs both standard output and standard error to  the  file  dirlist,
while the command
       ls 2>&1 > dirlist
directs  only the standard output to file dirlist, because the standard
error was duplicated as standard output before the standard output  was
redirected to dirlist.

> did you see a BODY or BODYSTRUCTURE fetch command? what were the
> contents?
> if you didn't see one, then the message is probably cached. you'll need
> to rm -rf ~/evolution/mail/imap/<account>/folders

Must have been cached - I found some files dated from when the message
was first sent (1370.1.1, 1370.1.1.MIME, 1370.1.2.MIME, 1370.HEADER).

> then start evo again and try to get a log this time... 

Got a log now, and it includes a BODY fetch.  Having moved the old files
out of the way it even proceeded to parse and display the message fine. 
Presumably this means that some bug in the stable release from around
April 29 has since been fixed, but I needed to clean out some broken
cached files?

If I'm correct in thinking this is resolved now, thanks very much for
your help - it's been bugging me for a while :o(



Sean Atkinson <sean netproject com>

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