Re: [Evolution-hackers] Multi-line boundary


Thanks for your response.

> are you sure that librfc822-1.0 is reporting about that Content-Type
> line? from the sounds of the error, it doesn't sound like it is...
No I wasn't sure because the output was kind of sparse.  Looking into it
it was actually only supposed to be parsing addresses anyway, and I
can't see how to hack it into checking a full message body.

> also, afaict - that Content-Type line looks correct, the second line is
> indented with lwsp.
> as far as I'm aware, camel has no problems parsing multi-line headers.
If this message appears kosher I'll give up on verifying it with
librfc822 and focus on Evo instead.  Even if the message isn't 100%
compliant it'd be nice if I didn't have to use web-mail to access it.

> what I am more likely to believe is that the BODY(STRUCTURE) response
> contained an empty boundary string. This would make it a server bug and
> is much much more likely.
> To find out, you should just be able to do the following:
> export CAMEL_VERBOSE_DEBUG=1; evolution-1.4 2>&1 > camel.log

Actually, I used:

CAMEL_VERBOSE_DEBUG=1 evolution > camel.log 2>&1

[ The bash(1) man page explains its strange redirection syntax. ]

Anyhow, it didn't seem to output anything useful.  There's a bunch of
IMAP traffic indicating the message is already fetched, but no more
camel debug.

Now I've confirmed this isn't a complete waste of time, I guess I'd
better build Evo and start playing with the source.  I'll keep in touch
if I get around to learning any more...


Sean Atkinson <sean netproject com>

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