Re: [Evolution-hackers] note on colorized calendars

On Wed, 2003-08-13 at 11:43, William Jon McCann wrote:
> Joe Shaw wrote:
> > I'm color-blind, and highly contrasting colors would probably make it
> > usable, but things like blue-versus-purple or bright-green-versus-yellow
> > or cyan-versus-white are schemes that would cause problems for me
> > personally.  I'd highly recommend using some other additional indicator,
> > like maybe just the name of the calendar in smaller text at the top?
> For what it's worth, I think this is a good idea.  Not even all _visual_ 
> output devices are color capable or have enough contrast to 
> differentiate levels of gray.

Example: I'm constantly adjusting the angle of my laptop display in
order to make colors distinguishable (especially on color ls output).

-Mark Gordon

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