Re: Coding selection and pixmap tools?

2009-03-16 klockan 19:30 skrev Juhana Sadeharju:
> Wouter Bolsterlee wrote:
> >The Gnome screenshot utility in the upcoming 2.26 release will feature a
> >"grab part of screen" option that can be used to make screenshots of any
> >rectangular area on your screen.
> A screenshot utility is not a solution to this problem. You missed a
> point. Screenshot utility does not re-render the selected area with larger
> DPI. [...] Also, a screenshot utility may perform badly when the doc is
> framed (possibly by having large DPI) and not all are visible in the
> frame.

So, summarizing, do I understand correctly that you would like a way to
render a page of a PDF document in a HIGH resolution? If so, I'm not sure
Evince is the right place for such a tool.

Plainly stating that you want to do something that is currently not possible
is not a valid premise to conclude that:

> Therefore, this tool needs to be coded to Evince.

There is is no "need" to do anything before it's clear what the problem is.

> No external software can do it. Do you agree? Can you help or not?

No, I don't agree. Agree to what exactly, by the way? You're going way too
fast with your reasoning, skipping various important steps, most notably a
problem analysis. It's still unclear what the supposed use case is.

> What other open source PDF viewers are available? I will move to elsewhere
> if no co-operation is possible. I have made these inventions for a good
> reason, to be used in free (like GNU) book projects.

This sounds like a moot argument ("treatening to leave") to me. You assume
the worst of all possible intentions of the people you are talking to. That
attitude is killing, especially in a OSS setting. So, don't.

> People like you fail to see the problem in proper because you don't
> attempt to do what I want to do. In that case you just should trust me and
> help.

I dislike that you refer to me as "people like you", and I strongly urge you
to refrain from addressing me in such an unfriendly and disrespectful way in
future correspondence. I'd welcome your apologies for your very unfriendly
and uncooperative attitude.

Take care,

    — Wouter

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