Re: Starting to write Seed extensions

So the signals that I can connect to, are they the signals that are used in the calls to "g_signal_connect()" in the source? Is there any list of signals that I can use?

Thanks again!

tis 2010-04-06 klockan 11:54 -0500 skrev Diego Escalante Urrelo:
El lun, 05-04-2010 a las 22:15 +0200, Jonathan Wadelius escribió:
> Thanks, now it works to call methods in that class.
> Now I wonder where I can find more information on the events that are
> available. For example, how do I execute code at startup?
> How does the EphyExtension interface work? 

The extension itself only handles tab attach/detach and window
attach/detach. In these functions you can connect to signals from the
widgets present in windows/tabs. For example to the EphyWebView to
listen for load-status changes or similar.

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