Future of Epiphany?

As a long time user of Epiphany, I've been extremely pleased with the
elegant integration into GNOME, so it looks like the other applications
I'm running. I also enjoy the "Smart Bookmarks" that makes everything
easier to use.

With the release of Firefox 3 (RC's), the Mozilla team has *finally*
integrated Firefox into the GNOME desktop, so it actually looks like a
GTK+ application. Firefox 3 also introduces the "smart bookmarks"
feature, which does much of what the Epiphany application does.

My question is, with the Firefox release focusing on many aspects that
Epiphany is famous for, and now compatible with GNOME, what is the
future of Epiphany? Assuming the project continues, what sort of things
are going to be introduced/improved?

Thanks to the development team,


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