RSS reader extension

Hello everyone.
I started working on getting full rss (and atom) support into epiphany.
And here is the first result that I can show to the public without
wearing a brown paper bag. ;)

Just extract it to the extensions directory and add "rss-reader" to the
main makefile. I have only tested it with 2.14 yet, but it should work
with cvs as well.

There's not much ui now (and there won't be much more when it's
finished). At the moment it just adds a "news" item to the "go" menu.
When clicked, the extension will download the feed files and show them
in the active tab. The feeds are hard-coded, because i'd like some
opinions on the general approach first.

As this is a very early version, it has some more or less annoying
issues. Just try to ignore them for now.

Comments are very welcome.

Martin Schoen

Attachment: rss-reader-0.3.tar.bz2
Description: application/bzip-compressed-tar

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