Re: Browser Bookmarks Menu (Gnome Applet) 0.2

On Tue, 2004-11-02 at 07:30 -0500, Adam Hooper wrote:
> On Tue, 2004-11-02 at 17:14 +1100, Peter Harvey wrote:
> > I think generalising the bookmarks system and saying 'it will be a
> > directed acyclic graph, where each node can be a topic and/or a
> > bookmark' would work, with 'each bookmark/topic belongs to each topic in
> > it's ancestry'. This admits both Epiphany style systems, user-defined
> > hierarchical systems like Firefox/Galeon, and many things in-between. I
> > have attached a possible IDL.
> Firefox smart bookmarks have icons associated with them, don't they?
> Galeon's do....

Good point. As long as their icons can be represented as a CORBA string
(encode it somehow, I don't care) the IDL would work. Notice that the
types that I defined at the top of the IDL aren't the only ones you can
use. You can define your own ("epiphany/num-visits" maybe?).

> You know, this might just be crazy enough to work ;). But then again, it
> might not. Wouldn't this subtopic stuff conflict directly with your
> auto-hierarchy code?

Nope. That's why I suggested it. :) 

NB, the subtopics idea is not the same as subfolders, as a single
subtopic may have more than one parent topic. My auto-hierarchy code
detects subtopics already by looking at the sets of bookmarks for each
topic. Handling explicit subtopics won't require major code modification
at all.

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