Re: could somebody add a line in

2018-05-23 21:13 GMT-07:00 shirish शिरीष <shirishag75 gmail com>:
Already done,  it's ShirishAgarwal .

Ok, I've added you! Let me know if it still doesn't work. 
It seems you have modified the template from before. That seems good enough.
The only thing which seems to missing are the riot-specific
instructions which I guess
anybody from the group could add.

I think that as long as you add some information to the "Getting In Touch" wiki page, or the Engagement's Getting Involved page, then we should be ok. 

I have one more query, the wiki seems to be running mediawiki but I
couldn't find the
Special:Version, something which all mediawiki installations have -

I'm not sure about this. Maybe someone else can help answer this question. 



Nuritzi Sanchez  
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