Need someone to own these pages:
List of friends of GNOME contributors - Tobi or Kat?
Bugzilla statistics - ??
Need to post a draft on the wiki page [1] by Friday, Sept 4th:It's ok to provide a link to an etherpad instead of a full wiki page, but we need something by this Friday.
**Proofreaders, please add your name, the date, and the proofreading status (requires further review, no further review necessary), at the bottom of the pages you review.
Guidelines & tips for articles:
- Post draft asap! Make sure you put your draft on the wiki ASAP so people can start to proofread and give you input. If you don't want to add it to the wiki yet, at least create a page on the wiki and add a link to an etherpad people can view.
- Include images. PLEASE include photos or images with your post. Two or three options is best. We want your article to be exciting! Make sure that you include things that have the correct licensing. Send me a quick message if you're not sure what "correct licensing" means.
- Proofread! We need more proofreaders. If you're done with your own article, help someone else out by proofreading theirs.
TIMELINE:Friday, September 4th = Draft up on wiki page, proofreading begins