Re: Enterprise Engagement, at the distribution level...

On Wed, Apr 09, 2014 at 07:06:29PM -0400, Alex GS wrote:
After some thinking and analysis I think that it's better to work directly
one-on-one with the distributions and their desktop teams and/or Gnome
maintainers on the Enterprise Engagement program.  It seems that everyone
on the Gnome Engagement team is already so busy and overloaded that the
apparent lack of interest in this program is due almost entirely to a lack
of time.  I also want to coordinate with a very small group of people at
Gnome but it doesn't have to be on a regular basis.

It seems you have a lot of time, which is nice.

One thing I've been wanting to do is figure out how packagers experience
GNOME. Anything which can be done to make things easier? What common
problems come up? Any improvement suggestions (tarball release related
andor packaging related)?

It would be nicer to closer work together with distributions. The ones
packaging GNOME, but maybe also the ones making decisions regarding
Wayland, etc.

My assumptions on this:
- probably a lot of things which are "weird", which packagers have come
  to expect and/or work around
- probably there are various ways we can improve, packagers might want,
  but nobody ever talked about it
- starting to discuss more will lead to improvements

It would be nice to contact distributions. If you want to work on this,
please do. Before sending something out though, please cross check with
release team (release-team gnome org).


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