Re: Getting GNOME page on

On 04/02/2012 03:36 PM, Olav Vitters wrote:
On Mon, Apr 02, 2012 at 03:10:35PM +0200, Dave Neary wrote:
I'm sure that wasn't your intention, but you're coming across as
rude & demanding here. The image of my son shouting "I don't want to
take a bath" comes to mind.

There may be good reasons to include or exclude Mageia from the list
- and I'm sure that we can all work through those reasons without
being too demanding.

The criteria given is straightforward: Mageia doesn't provide a good
GNOME experience by default, nor does it have a webpage explaining how
to get the full experience. Getting a new webpage for this in a good
place (and not just put somewhere @ Mageia to meet the criteria) is
something I don't involve myself with in Mageia. So for now it should
not be there. If something changes, of course I'll ask it to be
included again, but for now it is incorrect to have it.
(Just a quick note that I didn't read Olav's response to my e-mail as rude)
Given that the Mageia website is, as you say, very sparse about information on how to get GNOME 3, I agree that we should remove the link. Hopefully it will be possible to add it back at some point in the future (when version 2 is stable I assume).
- Andreas

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