Re: GNOME 3 videos

On Mon, Mar 7, 2011 at 04:25, Allan Day <allanpday gmail com> wrote:
Do you think it would be desirable for us to put out a set of more basic
videos or screencasts in the interim? There is obviously a lot of
interest in some of the GNOME 3 features that you cannot show using
screenshots. Also - as you know - there have been a number of decidedly
substandard screencasts appear on the web. We could slap a beta label on
them if that would help.

There are one or two people who might be willing to help with this, but
I don't want it to conflict with what you are working on, and I want to
ensure that what we are putting out is of sufficiently high quality.

Yes, just have them follow the screen casting guide that I published.
They need ffmpeg with x264 support to get the initial recording in a
low-CPU, low-disk I/O near-lossless format and then they can transcode
that to WebM when they're done. They also need to set their desktop to
1280x720 using xrandr's scale feature so that all the videos have the
same aspect ration and the UI elements on the screen are clearly
visible. All of this is in the HOWTO.

On a separate subject, there are a couple of things I'd like to see
covered in our videos, from a design and marketing pov:

 * Accessing the activities overview: this is the most basic operation
people need to learn to use the GNOME 3 desktop. The video would cover
the three ways of entering and exiting the overview (activities button,
hot corner, windows key [we need a better name for that!]).

 * Arranging your windows: a subject on which there has been recent
attention; also a place where users might benefit from seeing how it
works. The video would cover drag to maximise/unmaximise, double click
to maximise/unmaximise, and half-screen tiling.

 * A walk around the overview: introduce the key parts of the activities
overview (dash, windows view, applications view, workspaces switcher,
messaging tray). Would give a quick introduction and demonstration of
each one.

Any thoughts? (Apologies - I know it's late in the day to be bring this
up.) I can write scripts for these, if you'd like.

Yea, just update the Gnome3In30Seconds page with anything you want covered.

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