Re: GNOME -> Gnome

El mar, 06-04-2010 a las 18:28 +0200, Dave Neary escribió:
Hi Andre,

Andre Klapper wrote:
Am Dienstag, den 06.04.2010, 08:08 -0500 schrieb Bharat Kapoor:
At least now I know what GNOME is an acronym for :)
The talk is about name or rename (if our mission is consistent with)
GNU Network Object Model Environment

Once again: GNOME WAS an acronym. GNOME is NOT anymore an acronym.
GNOME stands for GNOME nowadays. Only. That's all.

Except, that's not a good answer.

If that's the case, then GNOME can be Gnome or gnome or GnoMe or
whatever. All caps implies acronym, and thus people will ask what it
stands for. And if you answer "it doesn't stand for anything", the most
likely answer is "that's stupid".

I don't agree. I usually use André's answer and people just find it
curious or funny. I haven't get negative feedback or reactions from
"GNOME is just GNOME, it was blah blah, but now it's just GNOME".

It's not an absolutist answer, just a simple one.

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