Re: Formalizing the marketing team

Yeah, I know.   Damn!

One concrete suggestion, but not original.  Let's get ourselves
organised.  We have previously talked about meeting to brainstorm.  I
am happy to coordinate this and push it along. (Even though, since I
live on the other side of the world than most participants, I will
probably have to stay up reaaaaaally late (or get up reaaaaaaally
early) to participate ;-)

How about this:

Anyone who would like to participate in a brainstorming session about
Quim's suggestion and th e future of the GNOME marketing team, speak
up now!  Send email to the list, with a list of all days and times in
the next fortnight that you would be available.

I will collate this information and organise a day and time.

Now, can anyone suggest a better way of doing this than IRC?  I'm
thinking the #marketing channel on, but if there is a
better way, lets explore it.



On 7/30/07, Jeff Waugh <jdub perkypants org> wrote:
<quote who="John Williams">

Oh dear.  I am going to try again to push the idea of what marketing is.
BTW: If anyone is getting sick of my pontification on this, please let me
know, publicly if necessary.

I'm not going to tell you to shut up -- what you say is an important point.
But I am going to ask you to step up and propose something concrete. You've
defined it numerous times, but haven't yet suggested what to *do* about it.

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