Re: The "What is GNOME?" Answer

<quote who="John Williams">

I didn't really want to do this with my Board hat on, because the Board
is definitely *not* "top management" of GNOME. :-) If we come up with
something cool, we can ask the Board to give its blessing.

Who is "top management" of GNOME?

There is none (although that is really only answerable with context).

Who decides whether to proceed with marketing decisions?

At this stage, I'm acting as "maintainer" (or sub-project leader) for the
marketing teams, but in close collaboration with the Board - made easier
because I'm a director. As with all sub-projects, it will be a maintainer
and community driven effort. The Board also does its own marketing work, but
this will be done in collaboration with the marketing team far more often as
we pick up. (Currently just putting some of the building blocks together.)

  "The GNOME Project is an effort to create a complete, free and
  easy-to-use desktop environment for users, as well as a powerful
  application development framework for software developers."

Personally, the only change I would make is to cast it as a completed
goal, rather than an effort. (Simply delete "an effort to create".)

If we _really_ want to be simple, I would replace "desktop environment"
with "graphical environment and set of applications".

Yeah, I like both of those changes. Perhaps we should switch "an effort to
create" with "an international collaborative project that has created"?
Might be too wordy, but I'd like to think we can get the project and product
ideas into this.

I take it we don't need to emphasise that it is only for Unix-like OSes?

Nah, we usually leave that to the second paragraph, ie. detail. ;-)

- Jeff

GVADEC 2004: Kristiansand, Norway          
   "I love 2001. Especially the beginning with the proto-humans screaming
    at each other and beating each other to death with rocks and bones.
      That very neatly encapsulates my whole concept of interpersonal
                     relationships." - Branden Robinson

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