Re: [Ekiga-list] Can't connect to robot sipomatic

Le 04/06/2011 23:26, I wrote:

> With Ekiga 3.3.0 I can't register this evening to ekiga's registrar (perhaps
> because stun is actually disabled) but I can register to Linphone's one.
> Then I don't hear Simon's voice. After 20/30 seconds I get the message :
> "Votre correspondant n'est pas connecté" (Your remote correspondent is not
> connected.) Exactly the same scenario as when I am not registered.

Now I have enabled stun and registered to Linphone, Wengo and Terrasip's
registrars. I can't register to Ekiga's one.
Nothing is changed when calling local Sipomatic or 500 ekiga net or wengo's
echo. The only echo I get is Terrasip's one. (A low price provider.)

> Sipomatic is running on the same computer than softphones.

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