Re: [Ekiga-list] destructive Ekiga Win-XP un-install

Thanks, Eugen, this looks like a potentially helpful point to check.  Stan is in & out of the shop today (it is he who downloaded and attempted the install (across the USA from me)), and will respond when he returns to the computer.

I think it would also be a good & prudent measure, though, for the project to do as Stan has suggested:  to actually download the existing file, let it install to a Windows XP box, watch what transpires during that process, then uninstall from the Ekiga program-link as he did, and watch what happens.

... Or, at least somewhat comparably, does the project have records that the Windows install file is being downloaded & installed to numerous other Windows machines, without problems?  If plenty of people are availing themselves of the Windows version of Ekiga, and we are hearing of no other difficulties, that is a practical indication that the file is not compromised.  But if otoh very few or no other people have been installing it, for days or weeks, then it may be a problem exists with it, but the project has no yet had 'testers' to check out what actually happens.

Especially if demand for the Windows version has been light, it would be appropriate & sensible, to find a Windows (XP) box on which to give the Ekiga Windows version a "live/real" test-install/uninstall.


On Sat, 2010-02-13 at 19:16 +0100, Eugen Dedu wrote:
Ted Clayton wrote:
> It is good to hear from you, Damien!
> My brother, Stan, has obtained the Pandora Recovery utility, and it
> reports 30,254 files were deleted.  It also reports that recovery of
> some files is only partial.
> I see a few days ago, there was a post to the List, "Windows link
> hacked".  Could this be related?

I have saved all windows versions the 16 January 2010 on my HD.  The
windows version available right now from is identical
to what I have saved the 16 January.

What is the size and md5 sum of the ekiga exe file you have downloaded?
 Here are mines:
snoopy:~$ l ekiga-setup-3.2.6-release.exe
-rw-r--r-- 1 dedu 20686898 Feb 13 19:11 ekiga-setup-3.2.6-release.exe
snoopy:~$ md5sum ekiga-setup-3.2.6-release.exe
b9bf1926f680ce435c0fad41008c24ec  ekiga-setup-3.2.6-release.exe

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