[Ekiga-list] destructive Ekiga Win-XP un-install


I am a new Ubuntu user, Ted Clayton.

Before I got Ubuntu going, my brother wanted me to install Skype and begin using video calls.  I protested, preferring to use an Open Source product.  He said, "Ok, let me know what you figure out, and I'll install it too.".  He is now a successful Skype user.

I studied the Ubuntu video scene, and decided I like the sounds of Ekiga best.

My brother downloaded the 20 meg Ekiga Windows install program this morning.  As he installed it, some of it's requests & actions seemed unusual, for example wanting to install in My Documents.

He then went to Start, found the Ekiga icon where he had the install put it, and clicked it.  His HD light came on, flickered like it was starting a program, but then nothing happened.

He tried in several ways to gain access to the program - but nothing worked.  He then decided to uninstall the software, and perhaps try a fresh install.

As the Uninstall process was running, he soon noticed that personal files & photos were being reported in the "Removing..." dialog.  He tried to stop the process, but both the Stop button and the window-terminate button were grayed out.  He pulled the power plug to stop the ongoing deletion of personal files.

Restarting & surveying, he thinks "thousands" of files are now missing.

Obviously, I am horrified.  This is terrible.

My brother is at home, working.  He is available by email, or by telephone.

I am trying to contact Ekiga first, but I must move rapidly, and will soon go to the Ubuntu forums, etc, without a response from Ekiga.

Thank you!

Ted Clayton

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