Re: [Ekiga-list] ANNOUNCE - Ekiga 3.2.5 [STABLE] available

Jim Diamond wrote:
Try installing libdbus-1-3, libdbus-1-dev, libdbus-glib-1-2, libdbus-glib-1-dev and see if that helps (the exact numbers may differ, though, 'apt-cache search libdbus' should give information on the exact names).
thanks very much for those hints.  It turns out that by installing
those (actually, I think it said I didn't need libdbus-glib-1-2, it
was already there), I was able to get through the configure and compile.

Unfortunately, it still doesn't notice that I have a camera attached
to the system...

It may be the same problem, i.e. missing dev-packages. Perhaps libv4l-dev is missing on your system. When configuring ptlib, make sure it recognizes v4l2 in the output of ./configure. Afterwards, configure and compile ekiga (and opal to be on the safe side) again. Generally, it is always as good idea to check for missing things during the configure run.
Hope that helps.


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