Re: [Ekiga-list] H264: PP: Error when trying to create DL named pipe

----- Originálna Správa -----
Od: Palo S.  
Poslaná: 11.01.2009 20:42 
Predmet: [Ekiga-list] H264: PP: Error when trying to create DL named pipe

> I noticed that the following sometimes happens right
> after the start of EKiga:
>         dyna.cxx(111)   H264    DYNA    Successfully loaded \\\'\\\'
>         dyna.cxx(331)   H264    DYNA    Successfully loaded libavcodec library and verified functions
> h264pipe_unix.cxx(192)  H264    IPC     PP: Error when trying to create DL named pipe
>    h264-x264.cxx(838)   H264    Codec   Disabled
> After that H264 is disabled and does not appear among
> the audio codecs in preferences

it is even worse: it does not even appear among video
codecs ;)


> it reappears again
>  after Ekiga restart however \\\"unticked\\\" and as the last
> codec. If I tick it and move higher, I can do H264
> videos without problem and it usually works fine
> for several Ekiga restarts until suddenly the error
>  appears again. I do not see any pattern unfortunately
> for when the error occurs and when not.
> Does anybody have any idea what could be the problem
> or what could be done?
> P.
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