Re: [Ekiga-list] Ekiga website: Where is the Windows version?

Hi Bret

Bret Busby wrote:
> On Sun, 23 Aug 2009, yannick wrote:
>> Dominik a écrit :
>>> Hi,
>>> yes, you're right.
>>> There is no link to the windows version at the download site:
>>> Somebody should fix it.
>> Hi,
>> We discussed this recently. It is indeed an old issue. We agreed to move
>> to drupal. For now the most needed work is to create a theme for drupaa
>> maching the current one on Once we got this theme we could
>> move quite quickly to drupal.
>> Our issue is the lack of man power; if none contribute a theme, I'll
>> probably do it, but I'm quite busy with user support, bug triaging,
>> packaging, testing, etc.
>> Feel free to contribute a drupal theme.
>> Documentation:
>> ttp:// (for drupal version 6)
>>> In the meantime, follow the link at the wiki's main page to
>>> You'll find the 3.2.5 releases and the pre-release of 3.2.6 there.
>> For testing purpose; look at this directory:
>> Currently the most recent binary is:
>> Debug version:
>> We do not list this binary on the wiki (maybe a mistake...) as it is for
>> testing only, not for a release yet (but close to it at the moment)
>> Best regards,
>> Yannick
> What is drupal?
> Is it software that will replace ekiga?
> Does it mean that ekiga is to come to an end?
> Please clarify.
> Thank you in anticipation.
Drupal is a rather bloated web site framework or CMS. It is becoming
very popular as it has a large number of plug ins for the various tasks
- it takes quite a bit of programming to make it do something other than
the default - although as long as you only want the default set-up it is
quite easy to use as it does a good job of keeping the user away from
the the programming.

> -- 
> Bret Busby
> Armadale
> West Australia
> ..............
> "So once you do know what the question actually is,
>  you'll know what the answer means."
> - Deep Thought,
>   Chapter 28 of Book 1 of
>   "The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy:
>   A Trilogy In Four Parts",
>   written by Douglas Adams,
>   published by Pan Books, 1992
> ....................................................
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