Re: [Ekiga-list] Ekiga

Judith Meili a écrit :
Where does it say that I pay 3 Euro/months? Its 90 days free in many countries.

I asked freecall but they are not interessed in Linux. They won't assist. It's Ekiga who needs to tell me, where I can disposit my number so that the receiver of my call can see who is calling.

you want to set the CallerID but this has no sense with Betamax gateways, they are not allowing to set the CID. We have tested few of their services, including freecall, without any luck. Also, setting his own CID is generally forbiden in EU (imagine: I know your phone number, I know some of your friends, I set your CID and call them even if my number is blaklisted!)

The difference between free and some cents is here: cheaper Telco don't have any features, specially Betamax services. If you're in Switzerland, try PeopleFone.

michel memeteau schrieb:
On Wed, Oct 8, 2008 at 9:57 PM, Judith Meili <jmeili gmx ch> wrote:

    Thanks gegetel. But actually I do not want to use a diamondcard
    account. I want to use my freecall account because with freecall I
    can call free. I dont think that diamond can offer the same price
    as freecall.

Freecalls and other BetaMax services are not really free but really cheap depending on your needs.

It's at least 3Euro/months that you can use for other destinations than those "free".

Did you mail freecall support about this feature  ?


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