Re: [Ekiga-devel-list] alien registrar problem

Damien Sandras wrote:
The problem is that your router replaces the public IP address Ekiga
puts in by a private one due to a bug in the router itself, you can see
the Ekiga PDUs in the log, they are correct.
If you disable STUN, perhaps your router will put the public IP address
in the packets.

What happens is that some dummy routers replace public ip's by private
ones. That's your case.
Don't think that's true. As I said, using twinkle behind the NAT with the same router works perfectly with that provider. So the router couldn't be the problem here and it seems that it's indeed a software issue.

Please show me a trace of Ekiga with stun disabled and a trace of
twinkle so that we can compare both.

Btw, I don't understand your reasoning which consists to say that Ekiga
puts deliberately private IP addresses in PDUs when the log says no.

Again, to clearify my reasoning, these are the relevant observations:

Relevant -d 4 output of ekiga says the following when trying to connect to

SIP/2.0 479 Please don't use private IP addresses

This suggests that there's a problem with the private IP address ( Whether this is sip conform or not I dodn't know. Concerning to some people in some voip forums, it isn't.

This behavior is independent of using a STUN server or not and only appears when I am behind a NAT router.

And thirdly:
The fact that twinkle is able to connect to bluesip successfully from behind this specific router, suggests that this is no router-issue.

Detailed traces of both ekiga and twinkle will follow.


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