Re: buttons again

On Sun, 24 Aug 2014, Scott Furry wrote:
I've always thought of the "abc" button as "apply to all tracks". e.g. If you are editing a few tracks and change the album name on one, clicking the "abc" button causes the album name to be propagated to all selected tracks".

And a keyboard short cut for "apply all" would be nice (rather than tabbing through - if tab order is set).

Indeed, verified. How very interesting, how did you figure that out!?

I could not fathom that!

This is how I thought:

First, the button is there even if user selected only one file, hence I could not mentally associate that button with batch operation. If I select multiple file, and user interface changes upone the second selection, I can for sure associate the change with the action I am doing, hence batch operation. (Such visual cue is implemented some cloud-based file managers.)

Second, it doesn't look like something clickable. If you have not written your OP, I never thought I can click it.

Third, upon being clicked, it gives no message nor any visual cue of action, hence I believe my click did not resolve to any action, reinforcing the idea that it is not a button after all. Even worse, the red file remain red after this action (despite in fact they are altered and saved), I am double sure I did not save them.

Forth, it is very unlikely the author intentionally chose to avoid the ubiquitous save symbol (a flopy disk) or confirm symbol (a check mark) and intended to use ABC for saving, again reinforce the idea that it is not for saving.

Fifith, ABC calls up the following connotations for me:
1. A fast index. A quick way to jump to files taged with head letter A-to-Z.
2. A selection, a list of pre-defined tag values.
3. A way to recall what I have typed before.
4. Musical notes of La Si Do.
None of these connotations can map to action concept "to save". I think the original idea of Abc perhaps is action concept "to tag", but 1) the whole software is for tags, you can say every control and UI elements are about tags; and 2) human has a natural difficulty associating pictures with actions, for example if you show a picture of a boy running, and ask what it means, 99.999% the people will say "Boy", and 0.001% will say "Run". The same apply here, ABC doesn't look like an action.

Sixth, the pop up message says: "Tag the selected files with this Year".
It is not sure if it meant "Tag THE SELECTED FILES with this Year" or "Tag the selected files with THIS Year" or "Tag the selected files with this YEAR". The most nature to me, is "Tag the selected files with this very year that the ABC symbol you are clicking represents", hence I start to think what year ABC represents and begain to expect that if I keep clicking Abc, some year will magically pop up and fill into the Year field. For the last chance I failed to associate it with batch operation.

I am truly amazed, I failed after all these mental work. How do you get the remotest idea of the true purpose of "Abc" button? You must be a programmer - all programmers think alike, in a mysterious way!

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