Re: [Easytag-mailing] How can I make EasyTag stop messing with my FLAC files?

Johnny Rosenberg <gurus knugum gmail com> [Tue, 01 May 2012 20:33:16

> When I open the file in EasyTag for editing, let's say TRACKSTOTAL for
> all the files in a folder (maybe I added one tune so I need to increase
> the tracks total by one for all files), and then save all the files, I
> notice two things that I don't like: All my DESCRIPTION tags are
> appearing twice, the second time as COMMENT. I don't need that and I
> certainly don't want it. My DATE tags are all truncated! I always (when
> possible) enter the exact date, such as 2012-05-01, but EasyTag
> truncates it to 2012.
> Why can't just EasyTag leave the tags that I didn't edit as they were
> before EasyTag opened them?

I noticed these issues some time ago, and my guess is that both annoyances 
come from EasyTag's origins, when ID3v1 was still widely used: The DATE 
field was a 4 digit YEAR field (the UI actually says "Year"), and for 
general comments the field was COMMENT.

In your case I would use custom fields with Metaflac, such as RECORDED, 
INFO, MUSICIAN. You will not see them in EasyTag (as discussed in the next 
thread ;-), but they won't be touched by ET.

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