[Easytag-mailing] How can I make EasyTag stop messing with my FLAC files?

I have a lot of FLAC files which I created myself (I am a musician
etc) and I tagged them very thoroughly using a simple script that use
MetaFlac for reading and writing FLAC tags.
All my FLAC files have DESCRIPTION tags which describes who plays
what, when and where, for example:
DESCRIPTION=Drums: Someone (2012-05-01), Some place
DESCRIPTION=Bass guitar: Someone Else (2012-05-01), Some place
and so on.

When I open the file in EasyTag for editing, let's say TRACKSTOTAL for
all the files in a folder (maybe I added one tune so I need to
increase the tracks total by one for all files), and then save all the
files, I notice two things that I don't like:
All my DESCRIPTION tags are appearing twice, the second time as
COMMENT. I don't need that and I certainly don't want it.
My DATE tags are all truncated! I always (when possible) enter the
exact date, such as 2012-05-01, but EasyTag truncates it to 2012.

Why can't just EasyTag leave the tags that I didn't edit as they were
before EasyTag opened them?
Is there a setting somewhere that I can use to preventing this?
If EasyTag wants to change something, at least it could ask me first…

Thanks for reading.

Kind regards

Johnny Rosenberg

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