[Easytag-mailing] Can't save default preferences without XMMS installed


I don't have xmms installed on this system, and when I open the preferences window, clicking "Save" and "Apply" does nothing (not even close the preferences window).

This is because the Check_FilePlayerCombo() check is failing as I do not have xmms available on this system.

It's not right for easytag to silently fail here - there should at least be a message dialog saying why preferences can't be saved (also for the other Check_ checks).

I think the file player check is bogus though, e.g. XMMS may be installed when the user saves the preferences but unavailable when they try and play an audio file in the future. I think the preferences window should accept any-value, and the existence of the player should only be checked when the user tries to play an audio file (in which case a friendly explanatory dialog appears explaining that the player could not be found).

Also, I agree with the recent thread the easytag is getting too complicated. While we're on the subject of preferences, I think the "Save" and "Apply" buttons should be merged into one (just "Apply"), which saves the config changes immediately. The "Save the configuration before exiting the program" option should also be removed. The functionality of being able to make a config change which is forgotten on shutdown isn't very useful...


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