[Easytag-mailing] easytag ported to win32 native!

Hi !

These past days I ported easytag to win32 native like gaim or gimp. It does not depend on cygwin.
Here's some screenshots : http://bubbleguuum.free.fr/easytag/

Feature wise it can do everything easytag linux do except CDDB for now (need to do something about sockets). Every tag format is supported, I compiled each library as a DLL (mpeg4ip was a pain is the ass to compile!). Most win32 specific code is in an external file and most of the code comes from gaim win32. there's a few ifdef WIN32 in the
code where needed.
Eeasytag and dependencies compile under the MinGW environment with custom Makefiles I made for each project. I'll see
if I can use the autotools for the libs to simplify compiling.

I'll post test binaries in a day or two and a post on hydrogenaudio.org forums to have some testing
When it is tested enough, a win32 page could be added on the web main 
page or a link to a page I can maintain on my server
It works already very well with i18n and all !

I think this will attract new users as I'm aiming for a high quality port :). Everything is in the small details !

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