I have recently started using Dia and I like it a lot (I’ve used Visio in
the past), but it does seem to have a lot of bugs. There are a lot of
improvements that could be made as well, some I have listed below:
1. When I open a saved diagram, it is often ‘off screen’ and is only
visible by scrolling up. Surely it should open in the position it was saved in.
I think you have a hidden entity. It could be the same color as the background. It could be on a layer that is not visible (maybe that it wrong). If you have an entity that has a very large extent, but nothing in it - like a connection point, that can do it.
2. When I add a new item (box, text etc.), many, or all of the other items
already on the page ‘disappear’ until I click around the screen to get them
I think deleting and reinstalling Dia might help this. I seem to remember this once some years ago.
3. Why can I not set and save a default location for files – I don’t want
them saved in Dia or Windows directories.
I start Dia with a desktop shortcut. If I right click on the shortcut there and select Properties there is a field in the Properties window that is "Start in:" where you can tell it to begin with the directory you prefer. Just enter a valid path. Mine looks like this: "%USERPROFILE%\My Documents\My Pictures"
4. Also, why can I not change the default text font or size? It is annoying
to have to change this every time I add text, as the default is far too
Any of the basic items, line, text, spline and so on, can have their defaults set by double clicking on them in the toolbar and setting the font there in the window that arises.
5. Why can’t I scroll ‘off screen’ without creating a new item that goes
off screen? Sometimes, I can’t even scroll back to the start (left edge) of the
current screen
If you zoom to extents (Ctrl-E) the scroll bars will be filling their extents also.
If you have items off screen then the scroll bars will have room for relocation.
I’m sure there’s more, but I can’t think of them at the moment.
Steve D.
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