On Sun, Jan 14, 2018 at 11:21:47AM -0500, Michael Ross wrote:
> Hi Chris,
> Over the years I have documented a number of simple circuits using Dia.
> Never had the heightened need, or the time or money budget to use a
> purpose built circuit design package. So I am very sympathetic with
> wanting an easy line join and the ability to move it at the joint.
> Zigzag would be very nice if you could merge endpoints somehow.
> I find grouping and layering to be very helpful if you haven't
> undertaken to use those functions yet.
> The connection points (in the Electric sheet, not Circuit like I said
> earlier) will work, but they are annoying because they can be enormous
> or tiny and hard to grab ahold of when you want to move them. They are
> inconvenient to place if you do a lot of them. You can attach a regular
> line to a connection point and move the point while the lines stay
> attached and rubber band as desired.
> I just attached a line, a zigzag, a polyline, an arc, and a bezierline
> to a connection point and they all tracked the connection point when I
> moved it. It was annoying grab the point. You can work around that by
> making the connection point large and easy to grab, then shrink to hide
> it, or change it to the background color. Lots of ways to do it, but
> none as simple as in CAD systems.
Yes, I've found and used the connection point but you have described
most of its disadvantages.
Chris Green
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