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HI, everybody
Our aim is(was)  to import Network file configurations  ( nodes & vertices) to be able to 
- draw in Dia the Network
- re-arrange even manually  layout
- add eventual Python scripting to proceed analysis and redrawing

First attempts to import Pajek-analysis-Tool ( free but not open) outputs   to Dia   were realized through  svg, but without connectors it's a mess to reconnect vertice,node,and Name to be able to move then consistently and impossible with more than hundred nodes.
So it was investigated Dia Python console to create from Pajek.file(Network topology Nodes + arcs) the  Network in DIA. Unfortunately if we did get the way to create Object, no solution was found  in the creation process to initiate object attribute  with   a minimum of one requested Text property.

So it was tested to create objects(Texts) manually, group them and  python write  Text-property from one to another.
Systematically the Dia appli crashed" " GDBus .error.ServiceUnkown: The name org.gnome.SessionManager was not provided by any .service file  "  .Same operations were successful with visible properties.

For the moment the work has been postponed. 
2 kinds of questions
- for future would it be possible to initiate object property at python creation ? Anything foreseen to assign Unique ID at object creation as new properties? 
- presently and for our Network objective, are there any other ways to go deeply inside with the current DiA version
Thanks a lot for your answers


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