Re: Patch for a new feature : sozi

Hi Paul,
At 25.10.2011 22:50, Hans Breuer wrote:
At 25.10.2011 01:27, Paul Chavent wrote:

Here is progression of the sozi integration.

[all the OK stuff deleted]
- better automatic sequence number generation [1]
OK -> when adding a frame automatically find the last frame number
available, and manage the sequence ordering

Need to check the code to further comment on, but not today ;)

After reading the code I'm wondering if we really should go that road,
i.e. if it is worth the trouble and the extra complexity.

I have never been a fan of the back-pointers from object to owning layer, and from layer to owning diagram. An object should be able to calculate it's internal state on it's own: It even has to work without being inserted into a layer. This is crashing with your current implementation,
but I already circumvented this in my local test version.

Releated is the current behaviour when changing the sequence order. I'd say it is at least unusual (if not unexpected) that changing one's object sequence number makes other objects numbering change as well. But AFAICT only when they are selected after the first. Is this intended behaviour or just an unwanted side-effect of the magic involved?


-------- Hans "at" Breuer "dot" Org -----------
Tell me what you need, and I'll tell you how to
get along without it.                -- Dilbert

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