Re: Need some clarifications

Dear Nalini,

On 15.07.2013 11:58, Nalini Karthik wrote:
1. As far as I have seen its possible to import any diagrams (ER, BPMN,
UML, graph or any diagrams) defined in specified file format. Is it right?
Besides its native .dia format (actually xml), Dia supports a range of different import formats (e.g. DXF, VDX, SVG, fig). A number of raster graphics formats can be embedded in Dia and there are several tools who provide specialized import/export facilities.

2. Does it support ER diagram generation from the database schema?
Dia itself does not provide this capabilities, but other tools like AutoDia, SQL2Dia or PostgreSQL AutoDoc
See for example

3. If I try to import a svg file, there was a broken image (with 'X' symbol
in red colour) too. Is it displayed by default?
Try embedding your SVG file - it might give better results.

4. Is the tool available as an eclipse plugin?
Currently: No. But I'm sure you'll be able to configure Eclipse to open *.dia files with Dia

5. Is there an API available to call the tool programmatically?.
Yes, you can use C or Python to extend Dia's functionality.



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