Re: Dia and TeX: PSTricks and PGF export

Hi again,

Update on this topic: it appears there's another issue, this one concerning the text color. While using a PGF export of, let's say, the text "mytext" written in red, the DIA-generated TeX file contains
\definecolor{dialinecolor}{rgb}{1.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000}
\node[anchor=west] at (14.000000\du,14.000000\du){mytext};
but it has to be replaced with
\definecolor{dialinecolor}{rgb}{1.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000}
\node[anchor=west,text=dialinecolor] at (14.000000\du,14.000000\du){mytext};
so that the text is displayed with the right color.

Any ideas to generate properly the PGF file from DIA?
Thanks in advance,


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