Re: Lingua italiano diaw.exe 0.97.2

Greetings, Steffen Macke!

If you're sure that you've selected translations, but Dia still doesn't
start in Italian language, there's something wrong
with the language detection code. In that case, please download and save the file in the bin
folder of your Dia installation (next to diaw.exe). Use dia_it.bat to 
start Dia - it'll force the use of Italian translations.
If all this doesn' help, please contact us again.

Please change your batch file to something like

"%~dp0\diaw.exe" --integrated

I would also suggest changing extension to .CMD, but it's more of my personal
preference, than a necessity.
I'm using two different batch interpreters, and while .bat extension is
somewhat ambiguous between the two, the .cmd one is always executed by Windows
CMD.EXE interpreter.

Andrey Repin (anrdaemon freemail ru) 16.09.2012, <21:05>

Sorry for my terrible english...

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