Re: Issue with 0.97.2-1 Installer

At 24.06.2012 17:32, Steffen Macke wrote:
Of course you would have to replace <dia> above with the correct
installation path. Or wait for Steffen to create an installer with a
fully working gtk+ build. Or switch back to dia-0.97.1-1 installer, which
had this working using an older gtk+ build.

I'm using the "official" GTK+ all-in-one-bundle provided on
Filed a bug report about the missing libpixbufloader-*.dlls in the current

Can't say for the bundle, but in the installer there were no files missing.
I made it work by moving around some files already there, just in unexpected places ...

-------- Hans "at" Breuer "dot" Org -----------
Tell me what you need, and I'll tell you how to
get along without it.                -- Dilbert

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