> Hi, You will like this.
> Get the Electric palette and bring out a "Connection point". Place it
> where you want relative to the text. Drag a box over them both and
> hit ctrl-G (for group). You can connect the line to the connection
> point. You can copy and paste the group to reproduce it and you can
> ungroup (ctrl-shift-G), move the point, group to relocate the point
> at will. You can hide the point my making it the color of the
> background and move it behind the text (ctrl-shift-B). You can double
> click the ungrouped text and turn on or off the background and change
> its color. You can group a box or other primitive function with the
> text as you desire. The bezier region can be made in to any shape.
> That should jump start you.
> On Wed, Aug 22, 2012 at 8:39 AM, Julian Hagenauer <
hagenauer uni-heidelberg de> wrote:
> > Hi,
> > i want to draw a tree.
> > The nodes should be text, and lines should connect the nodes.
> > With dia it seems not possible to connect text with lines.
> > So, the only way arround it seems to be using simple boxes with
> > text. However, boxes have borders that i do not want.
> > Setting the linewidth of the border to 0 does not
> > keep dia from drawing the borders (a bug?)
> >
> > Can you give me some advice, how i can link just text-labels with
> > lines?
> >
> > Thank you very much,
> > Julian
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