Re: Extensions with python

At 19.09.2011 20:56, Albert wrote:
So, my options are: work in C?

To implement new object types and not use the custom shape module: yes.

Am I correct in the assumption that there is no event forwarding to the
Python API?
No. If you want to stop speculating you should start reading the source.

That would explain quite a bit of what is possible and not
possible with the API. I.e. You can retrieve information and set the
data, but there is no live interaction.

Even if the assumption above would be correct I dont get the conclusion.
It is possible to implement renderers in PyDia, because someone cared to implement the wrapper. See, e.g.:

Wrapping DiaObject would be vastly more difficult and IMO much less useful.

-------- Hans "at" Breuer "dot" Org -----------
Tell me what you need, and I'll tell you how to
get along without it.                -- Dilbert

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