Re: Patch for a new feature : sozi

At 25.10.2011 01:27, Paul Chavent wrote:

Here is progression of the sozi integration.

[all the OK stuff deleted]
- better automatic sequence number generation [1]
OK -> when adding a frame automatically find the last frame number
available, and manage the sequence ordering

Need to check the code to further comment on, but not today ;)

- restricting the sozi impact to the SVG exporter [2]
(currently it is also emitted to the .shape export)
NOK -> i haven't work on this point yet.

just change the DIA_SVG_RENDERER cast to:

(strcmp (G_OBJECT_CLASS_NAME (G_OBJECT_GET_CLASS (renderer)), "SvgRenderer") == 0)

Not pretty, but should work.

Or do you want some more help with it?

Now i need help for the legend : i would like to keep a way to visualize
the frame sequence... but here are my questions :
- should we really display something ? (i think yes)
Me too.

- what should we display : sequence number, title, both ? (i actually
display both)
I prefer only the number, basically for space considerations.

- placement : inside, outside ? (i can't find any good idea for this point)
Inside, aligned to a corner looks reasonable to me. Here it would certainly help if text rotating would be supported natively.

- size : dynamic resizing ?
Kind of depends on the answers above, if inside it should at least fit the box. With my playing the default fixed size was enough for just the number.

I put my code here : git:// :sozi
I had some problems with git and i had to delete/create the branch. I
will try to stay on this one for my future work.

I hope I'll find more time at the weekend to check in more detail.

I hope to read you soon.


-------- Hans "at" Breuer "dot" Org -----------
Tell me what you need, and I'll tell you how to
get along without it.                -- Dilbert

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