Re: Meaning of XML attributes for Dia UML objects

At 21.10.2011 02:51, Wangyuan Zhang wrote:
Hi Folks,

I am trying to understand the dia output XML file. What are the meanings of
attributes for Dia UML objects. Someone asked this question before, but
there was no answer.
The answer is in the code. Actually there is a pretty direct mapping between standard properties and XML code.

[...]\dia>grep -A 1 obj_bb */*.h
lib/object.h:  { "obj_bb", PROP_TYPE_RECT, PROP_FLAG_OPTIONAL, \
lib/object.h-    "Object bounding box", "The bounding box of the object"},

For example, the following shows some tags for a simple Class object. I'd
like to know what obj_pos, obj_bb, etc means. Is there any documentation for
them ?

     <dia:object type="UML - Class" version="0" id="O0">
       <dia:attribute name="obj_pos">
         <dia:point val="14.5,7"/>
       <dia:attribute name="obj_bb">
         <dia:rectangle val="14.45,6.95;17.4025,9.25"/>
       <dia:attribute name="elem_corner">
         <dia:point val="14.5,7"/>
       <dia:attribute name="elem_width">
         <dia:real val="2.8525"/>
       <dia:attribute name="elem_height">
         <dia:real val="2.1999999999999997"/>
       <dia:attribute name="name">


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-------- Hans "at" Breuer "dot" Org -----------
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