At 27.09.2011 01:43, Paul Chavent wrote:
Hi dia ml Here is the last patch for the sozi feature. There should be no more problems for applying the patches,
Unfortunately the problems in applying the patch(es) persisted. In fact I was only trying to apply the "Add sozi front end." part. The other two need some discussion/adaption before being acceptable.
With the above mentioned problems I looked at the diff of your patches and noticed you switched the transformation algorithm to "no apply scale to transformation". This change I would like to understand: is this a choice the user may want to make?and i had some minor fixes.
I also pushed on gitorious a branch : git gitorious org:dia_sozi/dia_sozi.git : sozi
Thanks, that helped.
Thanks Hans for your patience.
Ditto ;)
Feel free to feedback.
I've created a patch for me to apply to my local version with: git diff 17004bab c4632ef9 > dia-sozi-2.diffAfter adding the necessary bits to build on win32 I've once more played with your patch by modifying render-test.dia
- only after reverting the agorithm switch (see above) the result of rotated sozi frame is correct - IMO the use of in-diagram-editing (SoziFrame::title) is counter-productive: a) the automatic selection for text deiting complicates the intial sizing of the shape b) I was expecting the number to be used as a sequence number, but both are independent. So I had to change the sequence number, too. c) the text is a bit obtrusive and there is no way to change it's font, size or color - IMO it would be more user friendly to have the rotation angle in degrees not radians. - the position you choose for the sozi frame is the center, why not name it that, too? - the serialization of the SoziFrame::title does not work All in all I think your feature is good to be included in Dia master, but that depends a bit on your future development ideas. Do you plan to incorporate some of the ideas discussed on the mailing list, like: - better automatic sequence number generation [1] - restricting the sozi impact to the SVG exporter [2] (currently it is also emitted to the .shape export) Or do you want some more help with it? Thanks, Hans [1] [2] -------- Hans "at" Breuer "dot" Org ----------- Tell me what you need, and I'll tell you how to get along without it. -- Dilbert
Description: application/dia