Re: Specialized rendering (was Re: Feature request)

At 17.01.2011 15:44, Max Wahler wrote:
Ok, after ignoring the outdated SVN info on the homepage and instead
checking out from GIT and learning some Python basics, I have a few

1. Do I have to do a complete "make clean ;
'make clean' should almost never be needed

make" after I did some
changes to my Python plugin or is there any faster way?

'make' is not necessary, because Python is an interpreted language.

The lack of 'make install' lets me assume you are running the version unistalled by "app/", anyway - as Stffen said - restarting Dia is enough to get the Python plug-in reloaded.
For an installed version you should place your plug-in into ~/.dia/python .

2. I like the output from the C renderer much more than then one of the
Python plugin because it's cleaner. The difference is, that rounded
rectangles are painted with an own method instead of plugging it
together from other shapes. I tried to implement the draw_rounded_rect
in my plugin, but it's ignored.

To get it called a change to plug-ins/python/pydia-render.c would be necessary. You could take another optional method (with fallback) as example, e.g. draw_polyline.

By the way, that meta info editing in the trunk version is very nice and
pretty easy to handle! The first part of my work is already done thanks
to this =)

Thanks ;)

-------- Hans "at" Breuer "dot" Org -----------
Tell me what you need, and I'll tell you how to
get along without it.                -- Dilbert

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