Re: Change length of several lines simultaneously.

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On 10/15/10 11:19, Pooya wrote:
Assume we have created a line/arrow and duplicated it 20 times and arranged them side by side.
I now would like to lengthen them, but of course all concurrently.
Thats it.

Dear Pooya,

the simultaneous resizing of multiple objects is not yet implemented
in Dia.
However, in your case i can think of two solutions:
1. If you are only interested in same-length arrows, resize the
arrow before you copy it.
2. If you are interested in adapting a bunch of parallel arrows:
  a) create a (helper) line
  b) use the context menu to add Connection points to it, one for
     every arrow
  c) copy the line
  d) add arrows and connect their start point to one line, and end
     point to the other
  e) color the helper line white (or in the color of your
     background) and send it to back
  You can now resize all arrows by moving the two helper lines.

Other than that, I fear there currently is no solution to this
problem, at least no general one. There is a way to solve this
problem for lines and simple shapes, similar to the way Inkscape
handles it, but there are shapes (UML) for which this is not feasible.

Please tell us if the approach above solves your Problem.

Best Regards,

Thimo Langbehn
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