Re: Your dia program is very funny.

Hello, Sergio. I inter-post my replies.

On Tue, 12 Oct 2010 11:04:19 -0700, Sergio AlarcÃn Cabrera <s alarcon_655601653 hotmail com> wrote:
So, when I was about to end, the program mysteriously stopped working and a windows window was appeared telling that the program stopped working, the unic thing I could do was close the program. Well... I feel bad because I was working about 45 minutes, but.... few days after, today I woke up early because I had to do a very hard homework... so, I ended the work a few minutes ago... The surprise appeared when, I (with a very big smile because I did the work in only 3 or 4 hours) went to the kitchen for a glass of colacao, and to return to the room... The same window of the other day was appeared... The dia program was closed without reason. I kill... really... I kill somebody... All the work of the morning destroyed... My 4 hours wasted...

First of all, thank you for bringing it up to the mailing list. Furthermore,
thank you for being so respectful while doing so, even after having some of
your time thrown out the window.

I can assure you your case is very particular. I use it on a daily basis
without any crash, and most people on this list do too.

Aside from other suggestions already given in other replies (particularly to "continuously save"), I would like to ask you to be patient, if you may, and
help the Dia developers fix this case for you. In order to fix it, we need
to pinpoint the faulty code first. This is not an easy task, as you may have
already learned from your studies.

Unfortunately, the community doesn't know your particular setup. The only
thing we know is that you use Windows 7 and run 0.97 or Dia for Windows and
that it crashed "apparently out of nothing". Think of it this way: if it
works for most of us in a "standard" environment, what do you consider
particular in your setup that could confuse Dia? Network drives, untypical
anti-virus program, limited or full-privilege user account, a faulty device, etc. Were you doing something in particular? Printing? Can you find a pattern
in both of your crash cases? Were you doing E-R work both times?

Will, it sounds like Dia crashed, but to be sure, you should provide with as many information as possible from the error you got. I don't know if Windows
can provide with a crash log with a full backtrace, which is the usual tool
to get feedback for crash cases. Oh, and the exact, full error message it
threw back to you while crashing would be useful too.

If your Windows version is in Spanish, try to translate it for us. If it is
not possible, send it to me, and I can translate it for you, but leave that
as a last-resort option.

I would love to receive your response. Have a nice week, Sergio AlarcÃn.

We hope to hear back from you, too. I hope you try 0.97.1 and really hope
your bug is fixed there.


Twitter: @alvarezp2000 -- @alvarezp

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