Re: dia 0.97.1 does not accepts argument with iso8859-2 via command line

Hi Karel,

I was unable to reproduce your problem on Linux.
Do you have some hints how to get started with Dia on FreeBSD 8.1?

* Could you try using a UTF-8 locale?
* Is the locale you're trying to use installed on the system? Could you
try something like
E.g. I had to use something like
sudo locale-gen cs_CZ.ISO8859-2
once (this was a gettext-related problem, though)



On 08/29/2010 06:01 PM, Kaminar wrote:
$ dia -t eps zkušebnísouborsčeštinou.dia
Missing input: zkušebnísouborsčeštinou.dia

* Pass URI-style filenames
I don't know exactly right syntax of URI filenames. Could you give me an
example of URI-style name for Dia, e.g. for my examples of filenames
above? I will try it with Dia.
In PERL, e.g. url_escape() does the job. In PHP the function is called
Use the file:// prefix.



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