Re: Dia for making Organization Charts

Hi Knut,

I wonder if there is a symbol library existing, or under development, that
suits the making of Organization Charts?

Did you have a look at the "Flowchart" sheet? It might be sufficient to draw
Organisation Charts. If it is not, could you point to an example image that
displays the missing symbols?

Is there a way I can generate a chart with standard rectangular boxes, from
a list, for example made in excel?

Not that I know of. How do you reflect the organizational structure in Excel?
Again, an example (Excel sheet plus Diagram to be generated) would be helpful.

I am using Windows XP platform, and often use word and excel in my work.
Would it be possible to design functionality that allows copying Dia
diagrams directly into Word or Excel and objects or pictures? And the other

Dia 0.97 supports copy and paste to Word. Did you try "Edit" -> "Copy Diagram"?

way, could one include functionality that makes standard boxes with text
when copying cells from Excel into Dia? A function that allows changing a
selected number of objects into another type of object would also be very

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